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30-day Prayer Challenge


“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22-23)

I don’t know how you woke up this morning. Perhaps you woke up full of energy and ready to handle everything that came your way. Perhaps you had to force yourself out of bed, with a sense of dread for what’s coming ahead.

What I have discovered over time is that the more you depend on God and the more you seek Him (Matthew 6:33), the better each morning becomes.

God has a way of reminding us of His existence and presence if we are only willing to see it. He draws us to Him, sometimes playing on our curiosity, like when Moses stopped to see what was going on with the burning bush (see Exodus 3). He could have chosen to move on, but he decided to come closer and see. And in coming closer, He encountered God Himself.

Where do you see God every morning? In the beauty of a sunrise? In the rain that blesses us all? In the chirping of the morning birds? In our hearts faithfully beating within? In a comforting conversation with a friend? In the passages of Scripture?

“‘I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” - Jeremiah 31:3 (NIV)

God wants to meet us, every single day. He promises to renew His mercy and faithfulness towards us.

As we prepare for our AMiCUS Congress, we want to invite you to meet God every single day, in prayer. We are launching our 30-day prayer-challenge on 1 August 2021.

We will pray for our friends, for our families, for our jobs, for our studies, for our projects, for our dreams…

We will share more details about how to join the challenge on our Instagram (@eudyouth) and Facebook ( pages.

We pray for this challenge to be an opportunity to renew our relationship with God, every morning, just as his faithfulness and mercies are renewed in our lives every day.

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